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Liceo Scientifico Statale
"Alfred Nobel"
Via Alcide De Gasperi, 80/bis 
80059 Torre del Greco (NA)

Liceo Scientifico Statale ‘Alfred Nobel’ is a Secondary School, situated in Torre del Greco, about 15 km south of Naples (Italy). It is modern and well equipped,with a gym, an auditorium, science, informatics and multimedia laboratories, and computers and IWBs in every classroom. The school offers 3 different courses to more than 1000 students aged 13 to 18: Scientific, Linguistic and Science Technology (LS-OSA). The courses are divided into two main blocks: in the first two years, students receive a general preparation,in the three following years they can study more specific subjects according to their choices. Motivation: With this project we aim at: -helping prevent and contrast early school leaving also by promoting innovative approaches; - strengthening all basic skills; students will participate in the project from the very beginning to the end and will contribute to its success; -enabling students to meet different and mutual cultures in order to break down barriers; - promoting cooperation and international contact within the local community; -broadening the possibility to learn foreign languages and improving their competence in English; - increasing students’ motivation for learning also through the contact with partner schools, -making students aware of environmental problems in order to help build up their civic competencies. Climate change represents one of the major issues affecgting our country as well as a broader reality. Cooperating with different countries and working to reach the same goal is a unique opportunity for teachers as well as students of our school. Key people: The key people involved in the project are: Mrs Rosanna Sorrentino, an English teacher who has already been in charge of coordinating several Comenius Projects in her previous school experience; Colomba Tandurella, a Maths teacher deeply keen of international cooperation and school project. Moreover teacher of different subjects will be actively involved in carrying out the project. a team work will be created in order to run things smoothly and fully involve the students. Finally the headmaster is really supportive in all the project activities. In case those people would let their post in the future, there are many of the teachers who would volunteer to take over the task. Experience or expertise: The school represents an important educational pole in our area, since it has always carried out innovative projects to improve didactic skills and competencies. Enhancing the European and international dimension has always been one of our priorities: for this purpose we have participated to Etwinning projects, Erasmus plus projects and organized trips and linguistic stays abroad. Besides the ordinary curriculum, the school organises extracurricular activities, such as Drama classes, foreign language classes, sport activities, art, science and literature.

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